Friday, November 28, 2008

LG set to bring 3D TVs to some markets in 2009

LG set to bring 3D TVs to some markets in 2009Korea's LG will launch 3D TVs next year, says the Vice President Director of Digital TV Research Lab Choon Lee in a Wednesday report. Not much specific information about the launch details was given, other than that one or two unspecified markets will see the launch of the technology. As for the tech itself, Lee said it would involve a slight change to existing Blu-ray technology and use the media to keep costs to buyers down.

The first programs to be encoded in 3D may be home shopping channels to give potential buyers a much better look at what they’re potentially buying. Also, the ease of making 3D animated content means 3D cartoons would come around the same time, according to Lee. Soap operas and other TV content would follow.

In Japan, viewers receive two hours of 3D programming daily over satellite broadcasts. LG showed off a 3D monitor, though it's made for commercial, advertising purposes and not for home use. It requires a PC to run software and therefore uses a different technology than the commercial 3D TVs LG plans to release next year. Lee promised 3D technology will become more widely available over the next few years. [viaT3]

LG set to bring 3D TVs to some markets in 2009

LG set to bring 3D TVs to some markets in 2009

LG set to bring 3D TVs to some markets in 2009

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