Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Freestyle, Skullcandy show 1st mirasol color devices

Freestyle, Skullcandy show 1st mirasol color devicesFreestyle Audio and Skullcandy have together introduced the first devices to use color mirasol displays. The still rare technology uses conductive plates to reflect light and change the wavelength to produce different colors in many small elements that make up each individual pixel. As the approach not only doesn't require a backlight but actively reflects ambient light, the displays are both very thin and power efficient but also near-perfectly visible outdoors, making them ideal fits for technology used outside. The small size also creates very sharp output compared to large LCD or even OLED pixels.

The Freestyle entry, the Audio Soundwave FA300 (pictured), uses the display to create a waterproof music player that can be used outside on hikes or in other areas where bright sunlight and splashes are equally likely. The flash-based player is three inches tall and comes with simple controls but supports album art and other features that would normally be difficult on a device its size.

Skullcandy is less specific but says it will use mirasol for an upgrade to its MFM Pro headphones, which include their own media player; the screen will give a similar level of visual detail to music without bulking up the over-the-ear design.

Neither company has said when their products will ship, though both have already demonstrated prototypes this week and are closer to production. [Skullcandy image viaSlashGear]

Freestyle Audio Soundwave FA300

Freestyle, Skullcandy show 1st mirasol color devices

Skullcandy MFM Pro with mirasol

Freestyle, Skullcandy show 1st mirasol color devices

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